18 February 2012

the heights I wanted to reach and perhaps never knew the reality of

I wanted to reach the heights of total happiness. Not alone. Because I am not a person who can manage being alone. Though my mom used to say she didn't wanna have any more kids so I didn't have to 'share'.

I would LOVE to share. I am looking all of my life to only SHARE.


And because of the destiny I was born with I end up like the origins. ALONE.

Even alone from my children. The "thing" that represents your continuation of blood line, genes and the lot of it.

What I want most I won't get. And I'm totally convinced that this is the truth.

I wanted love most. I didn't get. I wanted family most... I didn't get.

There really isn't anything else that comes close to the feeling of complete bliss as does having the ones that are most close to love me and love them. And admit that...

So, before posting my clip about the tremendous respect and awe in view of nature and especially the sea tomorrow, here's a song that makes me cry.... (and from the above maybe even outsiders will understand why)

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