At that date I still called it a 'flower' (23-5-2011)
Now I remember the name: Capparis Spinosa (or, as I call it because I'm not that good with long Latin names: een Kappertje)
Passion fruit:
The fragrance of this little purple flower is just exhilarating. It sends one straight to higher 'spheres'
I found this poor little bugger dead on my "kitchen" floor one morning. Even after his death his wings and his coloring brought me such a rush of happiness. His transparent and golden shining wing is one of the most delicate things I've ever seen:
Spider webs have my attention. This is the latest for me. Totally mesmerized by them. Especially the way they're reflecting the sun's rays in a manner they look like heavenly spun gold:
Of course there are little flies and other "flying objects" that gets caught in 'the web' and that's a pity but....... also so terribly beautiful to watch nature 'in work'
This man found an original manner of not having to sit on the floor. Meet "Mr. BUTTweiser"
While walking around the park while not many people were there at all I suddenly noticed "movement" in a dark, hidden corner at the and under some rocks. It was a duck couple taking care there would be a next generation around to bring joy and education in what is really important (there are people who look upon the mating procedure as a 'sex' connected issue and are therefor unwilling to look but I... I think it's just so sweet and innocent and so totally in line with nature without the 'brains' mixed in that humans have that I see no "sex" in this at all)
The Dutchmens Pipe (Aristolochia) is around again. For months I saw only the empty dry baskets hanging from the hedges but now I know that what has to come will come. So:
How many people are really looking at flowers in bud? I think they're so very exciting. These are buds of Passionflowers about to burst open. OhMyGod, what is nature beautiful!!!!
Can it be seen that this wasp's transparent wings seem to have taken on the color of the flower he's sitting at? Purple transparent wings... How much better can it get?
This little kitten caught my attention when I saw crows shrieking out right above him. They felt he was going to die. Oh, How I Hate Crows. Still... I couldn't save this poor little thing. It was a Shabbat and I didn't know who to call for help. I couldn't pick him up myself because he was scattered with bloodsucking insects and he was very sick (I don't want to endanger Klaas and don't look forward to endangering my own health as well). My heart was filled with guilt though. I still have to think about him. I hope he was released from his suffering without too much pain :(
This is the building where the office I'm working at is located. Nothing special. I hate concrete. But that tiny little spot up there is a window cleaner. I am thoroughly jealous because that is what I would love to be doing as well. Work while schnappeling and experiencing the thrill of climbing up and further up...
I once knew the name of this flower who resembles so much the Powder Puff (except for in color) - and is not (the leaves are not the same at all). But no matter what the name.... seeing it always makes me feel happy. In an instant, perhaps for an instant. But that's enough.
Having tens of photos of it doesn't make any difference in wanting to picture this flower of the Eucalyptus Torquata over and over again. These soft and cheerful flowers have such an attractive influence on me:
And the Flametree flower.... So incredibly gorgeous and -cluttered together- unbelievably resembling a fire, justifying their name ...
He was wary of me. Very much. Sitting at a railing at the park while me and Klaas were very nearby. I do my utmost to not scare the birds (and all animals) I encounter but they just don't seem to know that. Still... this Black cap night heron kept sitting where he sat and just watched me closely. His female companion (last photo of this 3 photos) didn't have the confidence to face me and flew away soon as I passed the path parallel to them:
I hate Crows. I honestly do. I know they can't help they're Crows and they're only part of nature as God has created it but... I just can't feel any different. However this baby-Crow sitting at the edge of a pond at the park while the sun was shining relentlessly and looking so terribly confused about what this heat was all about sorta softened my heart - isn't he gorgeous?
A flower bud having spider webs all over and across it waiting to burst open. i think facing life is a subject that entertains me lately. Like in: one must be ever so brave to have to want that.
This poem placed at a busstation while I passed that walking around with a friend of mine threw me back some 3 or 4 years ago when I was still deep down under in the mud of my hellish 33 year long relationship. It were little things like this that that time kept my head above water. That's probably why I was so touched seeing this now again. A different poem, a different busstation, the same feeling....
My friend and me walked along the promenade at the seaside this last Sunday. This flower (and many like it) were blooming at the cactus plants at the Muslim cemetery. Death and life... a returning cycle... the beauty and the sadness. But let there not be sorrow. That's what I try to accomplish. Lately. Because before that I hadn't come to this level yet.
The almighty sunset at the seaside in Tel-Aviv. No matter how many times I am blessed to see this, ALL THE TIME, it makes an impression on me. The Majesticity of it takes my breath away...
[[[[[[[[the continuing story of how to cope with life and the givens one has to deal with.... OR escapism at its most]]]]]]]
The quality of this posting went right through the sound barrier.