Had a very nice, interesting, heartwarming, busy but also tiring weekend and week. Son came over from Safed and straight after the weekend daughter (and of course my oogappeltje, my granddaughter) decided to make my home their home - and of course I'm very happy because of that (mi casa es su casa is a true principle when it concerns my children of course)
in order to unwind I discovered I do need some solitary time in where to relax. I wouldn't want such time to last for long - but at certain times a place to be with only myself has become a necessity. Isn't it strange how life can take people to places one would never had expeced one would want to end up at? (I NEVER, EVER wanted to be 'alone' -perhaps that's why I also endured a very unhappy marriage for such a long time- I was so very much afraid of it - and now I need it, for a short period of time, in order to fuel up again)
I can be me the best when I am with me.
Last Shabat I walked (real late in the morning) to the Goose-pound. Sat down on a bench under a tree while no people were around at all - must be due to the heat beause usually the Goose pound is swamped with people on Shabats. Anyway... as I was sitting there I noticed the Muskusrat (or whatever creature it is that I know for so many years swimming around in the Yarkon river) only... he seemed very shy - all of a sudden. At a certain point I saw his little head staring at me from some 1-and-a-half meters away from me in the water. He then dove off...
But, as luck would have it he came back. Was very curious himself as well about me I suppose and he emerged about a meter away from me at the surface of the water to have a closer look at me and then............
I saw it wasn't the muskusrat (or whatever) at all. It was a soft shelled turtle (having been on the verge of extinction in Israel some years ago due to water pollution in this country that's money-crazy enough to have total disregard of nature).
I also saw some other magnificent things (a tiny broken and hollow egg that must have been the dinner of some kind of animal that made it his prey) but since my camera decided on disappointing me constantly there's no real good photo of that (and others) one.
This photo perhaps is reasonable.
I wish 'fate' would place me in the path of Eyal Bar-Tov - a person I admire hugely - and have him teach me how to pass on the breathtaking views I encounter while using a camera.
Well R, in order to solve the problems with your camera and to become even more compositional in your pictures .............................marry this Eyal Bar-Tov.
ReplyDeleteMost camera's do get the dots on the pictures, the Canon G-6 I do use, has them, how irritating, once and a while.
A few years ago, while on vacation on an island the owner of the appartment thought me to be
lonely, told him, one has to be at peace with him or herself.
One can be devastating lonely in a relationship or a mass off people.
If you for example go to a party and at a sudden do realise to have a stain somewhere on your dress, you do think everybody is watching.
They are not,........................... give us some pictures.