I left around 10 orso and walked for about 5 solid hours. I took a chance because if the pain would hit me while being far away I would have to limp my way back home. but luckily -while taking great care to make no 'out of the ordinary' movements- the pain didn't come through and I thoroughly enjoyed my Shabbat and am rather 'proud' at the photos I took (for the first time around in a serious manner on a SLR camera).
Here they come:
THE INTRA-VENOUS (not his real name but it sounds like it) BATHING:
TWO PARROTS (I don't know what I done with the lighting on this photo and it's probably totally unprofessional but... I really like it this way)
BIRD FIGHT - they had this very loud fight going on. I know one of them is an Egret but the other one is some kind of other herron I think: