Last Wednesday I was at the Laundrette. Due to Pesach (erev Pesach is today) I have been in a frenzy getting all the Chametz out and everything cleaned properly to Jewish Religious Standards all of last week. I am satisfied now. Everything is clean and chametz-free as religion orders. So, back to the laundrette...
When I went in there to have Klaas' basket washed I met with 3 different regions. The people in there, I mean. A south-American woman, a Tunesian man and a Lithuanian woman. We were all talking holiday-talk. In the end I was left with the Lithuanian woman. She was a former religious woman. She told me the story of her daughter and how her daughter had made her change her religious observations. That got me started thinking how my children got me change my religious (or lack thereof) observations. What we, MOTHERS, do for our children.... It is stronger than any law written anywhere. It's called instinct.
the burning of chametz this morning in Bnei Brak: